Yes, Maisy Ru & Co. was named after a dog! But Miss Maisy isn’t just any dog, she’s the most fabulous dog you’d ever meet! Maisy Ru was rescued in 2023 and soon found a home with Lily. Maisy Ru, like most dachshunds, likes to bury, cuddle, and run! She absolutely loves kids, to the point where she may even squeal when she sees a stroller pass by. Maisy Ru gave Lily the courage to start their company, and the two have been inseparable ever since.

Meet Maisy Ru

Our Values

Maisy Ru & Co. has a mission to provide quality care in the Tampa Bay Area.  From nannies to petsitters, we have it all. Maisy has perfectly picked our team of credible, experienced, and CPR-certified sitters to care for your little ones - regardless of age or ability!

Here at Maisy Ru, we are passionate about intentional learning and development-focused childcare. It is our mission to provide exceptional care that rises above and beyond to keep your little ones safe and smiling.